Talk:Rat Monarch

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The jury is still out maybe, so I didn't want to edit the article without more opinions, but... Halpmeh seems like a godsend to me. Halpmeh is the best glyph for building corrosion stacks with minimal exploring, while direct damage glyphs are the most efficient way to score a kill on a weakened enemy. There might be a gray area where APHEELSIK wins, when you have a lot of stacks on, but you can't just finish off with fireballs yet. I've only played the class a couple times so far, so this is half-theorycrafting and half just based on a first impression based on an early HALPMEH drop.

EDIT- one more thing - Whurrgarbl is pretty awesome here! You can build Corrosion stacks and have the damage stick as you go along. Not sure how it will stack up against defensive items in Vicious dungeons, though... - MTaur