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Badges are one dimension of dungeon completion. To earn a badge in a dungeon, you need to defeat the dungeon while meeting the corresponding challenge.

The first time you earn a particular badge in any dungeon, you will receive a small gold bonus. You cannot earn badges unless it's possible for you to fail the challenge; for example, if you haven't unlocked any gods yet, you won't get credit for Badge: Faithless Faithless, and if you haven't unlocked the Bazaar, you can't get Badge: Miser Miser.

Badge Requirement
Cheeky Badge.png Cheeky The first monster killed was a higher level than you.
Faithless Badge.png Faithless Didn't worship any gods.
DING! Max! Badge.png DING! Max! Reached level 10.
Hoarder Badge.png Hoarder Didn't convert any items.
Miser Badge.png Miser Didn't buy anything.
Feeling Parched Badge.png Feeling Parched Didn't consume any health or mana potions.
Purist Badge.png Purist Played the dungeon without any extra Kingdom preparations. (Preparing the Vicious Token is ok)
Specialist Badge.png Specialist Killed the last boss using either magical or physical damage, but not both.
Unstoppable Badge.png Unstoppable Killed all dungeon monsters level 8 or higher without petrifying them. (Petrifying low-level monsters is ok)
Warmonger Badge.png Warmonger Didn't use any glyph skills.
Vicious Badge.png Vicious Took the Vicious Token into the dungeon .... and won.

Strategy Considerations

If you're going for 100% completion in a dungeon, there is no reason to put any effort into getting Badge: Faithless Faithless. Winning with a Class: Vampire Vampire will always earn Faithless, as vampires cannot worship gods.

A Class: Assassin Goblin Assassin can easily reach 10th level for Ding! Max using his racial bonus, then use his Class trait: SWIFT HAND SWIFT HAND class feature to execute every lower-level monster remaining for Badge: Unstoppable Unstoppable. This combo is also reliable for grabbing other badges. There are many deities that increase your level or grant bonus experience, which may be useful if you're having trouble reaching 10th level.

Several dungeons feature bosses with high physical resistance: Dungeon: Northern Desert Northern Desert, Dungeon: Rock Garden Rock Garden, Dungeon: The Slime Pit The Slime Pit or even physical immunity (Dungeon: Magma Mines Magma Mines), which can make earning Badge: Warmonger Warmonger a challenge. One approach is to prepare the God: Glowing Guardian Glowing Guardian and use his Trait: Consecrated Strike Consecrated Strike to convert your attacks into magic damage. It can also be effective to play a Class: Half-Dragon Half-Dragon to take advantage of their natural Trait: Magical Attack (Player) Magical Attack (Player).

Edge Cases

  • Making a Pact with God: the Pactmaker the Pactmaker disqualifies you from faithless
  • Obtaining a blood curse from God: Dracul Dracul to reach level 10 will satisfy ding! max
  • If you reach 10th level, then request humility from the God: Glowing Guardian Glowing Guardian to drop back down to the 9th and then complete the dungeon, you will still have satisfied ding! max.
  • Other types of potions other than health and mana will not disqualify you from feeling parched. You can change your witch preparation loadout or try making some trades with God: Tikki Tooki Tikki Tooki
  • Monsters removed by Stheno in Dungeon: Hexx Ruins Hexx Ruins count as defeated for the purposes of unstoppable.
  • High level monsters petrified by the Class: Gorgon Gorgon monster class's attack do not disqualify you from unstoppable, only the Glyph: IMAWAL IMAWAL glyph counts for this purpose.
  • Using the Item: Translocation Seal Translocation Seal to steal from a shop does not disqualify you from the miser badge.